Friday, October 5, 2007

Stop and Listen


Sorry for the delay in posting lately. Life sometimes takes over and we get overwhelmed by the day to day stuff. But Scouting that has taught me how to deal with these challenges. It's also taught me to pay better attention. I've lived in the Brampton area my whole life, but I can't remember seeing a third of the things I find now, when I was a child.
With all the distractions out there, TV, video games, etc.... it seems that kids these days don't get outside much any more. I was recently sent an article on "Outdoors Deficiency" and how our children are suffering from it. While I may not entirerly agree that this is the case, the outside world is something that we take for granted. It's a shame what people miss when they don't stop and take a minute to look around.
So how does this fit in with Scouting in urban places then? You can plan a stop and listen. I know that this sounds kinda silly, but by planning a few of these you can start to teach the youth to see what others might be missing. If you do something enough and it becomes a habit.
First you need to find a quiter place, say a greenbelt or wooded area an plan a hike/walk in it. About halfway through have the youth stop and be quite (this could be a challenge). Keep them this way for a minute or two. Then ask them what they hear. Next have them look around where they are and see if there is anything they notice. This is a Stop and Listen.
It takes very little prep time for one of these, though it might not be a bad idea to walk the location first. It will give you a sense of the area and a good idea of were to stop. There is also many field guides on birds, bugs, trees, plants...... that might be of use if your youth find something you may not know. Remeber you don't need to know everything to be a leader, but you do need to be willing to find out things. It's not only the kids that learn sometimes. Good luck!

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